Delegate from Webinar: Excellent. Best safeguarding presenter I´ve ever heard. Thank you so much. I´ll be using this resource more than our local CCG presentations from now on.
Dr Yasmin Husain - Safeguarding
Delegate from Webinar: First time attending Dr Husain´s webinar, will definitely book on more in the future.
Dr Yasmin Husain - Safeguarding
Delegate from Webinar: Dr Husain is a fantastic speaker and can´t get enough of her knowledge! Thank you.
Dr Yasmin Husain - Safeguarding
Delegate from Blackpool: Engaging speaker, pitched right for general practice, reinforced knowledge and some useful tips.
Dr Andrew Partner & Co - Ophthalmology
Delegate from Webinar: Clear, knowledgeable , concise information made for a good learning environment
Mr Paul Dromgoole - Diabetes
Delegate from Webinar: Totally brilliant, has already improved my practice during my 1st day back at work! can´t wait for the next one, this has made cardiology interesting to me again.
Dr Yassir Javaid - ECG
Delegate from Webinar: Learnt about haptoglobin in haem aneamia; consider bone causes if elevated ALp; caeruloplasmin measurement in children;biotin interferes with TSH/fT4 measurements; rem to do TFT in down´s/turner´s; do not offer thyroid extract(armour);post partum thyroiditis needs annual TFT´s
Dr Ahai Luvai - Lab Results 1
Delegate from Webinar: Enthusiastic and knowledgeable. I would love her to be my GP!
Dr Laura Pogue - Mental Health
Delegate from Webinar: Really great to be able to hear this well respected doctor speak in the comfort of my dining room! fantastic, informative, up to date and relevant.
Dr Anne Connolly MBE - Womens Health 1
Delegate from Kegworth: Easy to understand, very relevant and has improved my confidence in my knowledge of diabetes and practice. Paul is an excellent speaker and very approachable.
Mr Paul Dromgoole - Diabetes