Speaker Directory

Speaker Directory

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris laoreet maximus est, sit amet porta diam aliquam quis. In egestas mi at ornare commodo. Duis euismod varius turpis, a luctus lacus lacinia vitae. Cras justo lectus, aliquet a elit ut, volutpat faucibus tortor. Mauris quis mollis ligula. Suspendisse potenti. Proin egestas nulla arcu. Phasellus id sapien malesuada, pellentesque lorem vitae, pharetra lectus. Phasellus malesuada fermentum tristique. Proin lacinia ultricies fermentum. Nam lacus massa, molestie mollis ipsum eu, cursus tincidunt purus.

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Our Speakers

Upcoming Events

15 Mar 2025 @ Webinar Asthma Update 2025
18 Mar 2025 @ Webinar Common Case Presentations in Cardio Renal Metabolic Disease Part 5 Regional Webinar for Scotland HCPs
19 Mar 2025 @ Webinar Dermatology in Skin of Colour
22 Mar 2025 @ Webinar Glucose Lowering Therapies in Type 2 Diabetes: A Revisit

What our delegates say

Delegate from Webinar: Dr Husain covered a huge quantity of really important information in an engaging and upbeat style, despite the subject material. Her enthusiasm for understanding safeguarding and proving best care for our patients was infectious. Dr Yasmin Husain - Safeguarding
Delegate from Southampton: Very relevant to my practice as a GP, with scope to ask questions in a supportive environment. Less focus on more obscure conditions that I would be less likely to see in practice. Also the presentation was evidence based, and with studies highlighted to support any arguments. Dr Steve Holmes - Respiratory
Delegate from Cardiff: Relevance to daily practice, refresh ECG knowledge, good Primary Care practical tips ECG Interpretation for Primary Care
Delegate from Webinar: I felt that the presentation was very topical and included references to current issues in medicine including transgender care and the impact of cost of living crisis which was welcome. Dr Wycliffe Mbagaya - Lab Results 2
Delegate from Webinar: Always enlightening and gives a ‘lightbulb´ moment to translate into every day practice Paul Dromgoole - Diabetes

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Frequently Asked Questions

Do You Provide Recordings Of The Zoom Webinar?

None of our webinars are recorded, due to the presentations being copyright and therefore the intellectual property of our speakers.

Do I Get A Refund If I Cancel?

All paid course fees are NON-REFUNDABLE and NON-TRANSFERABLE. Our fees are so nominal, they cover administration costs of the event, which have already been incurred (e.g., Admin time/Website Costs/Card Payment Processing Fees). Please let us know if you are unable to attend, as it will allow your place to be allocated to another delegate. If you fail to attend a paid course, you will still have access to the course downloads. If you fail to attend a free course, you will not have access to any post course materials. To notify us that you cannot attend the course, please send an email to webinar@mediconf.co.uk

How Do I Access My Certificate And Course Materials?

After attending one of our courses, certificates of attendance and any course materials are available for 6 months for sole sponsored events and 12 months for all other events ONLY. After the course date, please log onto the Members Area of our website, to obtain your documents. If you require a duplicate copy of your certificate, an admin fee of £15.00 will be charged. This payment can be made over the telephone using all major cards.

If the resources above do not answer your questions or you require further assistance, please check out our complete FAQs or fill out the contact form and a member of our team will get back to you as soon as possible.