Delegate from Manchester: Excellent engaging speaker, relevant content to take back to my practice
Dr Estelle McFadden - Neurology
Delegate from London: Never thought Dermatology could be so interesting and enjoyable, Excellent speaker, thank you so much for a wonderful talk
Dr Simon Clay - Dermatology 2
Delegate from Manchester: As the speaker was a GP, the content very relevant to GP audience
Dr David Price - MSK
Delegate from Birmingham: It made me feel refreshed and aware of my own short comings
Dr Roger Neighbour - Consultation Skills
Delegate from Belfast: Well focused on conditions likely to be encountered in Primary Care and how to approach them
Dr Andrew Partner & Co - Ophthalmology
Delegate from Webinar: Helped me to identify my own and colleague´s traits and how our team communicates.
Tracy Ellis - Soft Skills
Delegate from Webinar: Good slides, examples putting it into context, polls & obviously a wealth of knowledge. I would definitely watch another of her Webinars.
Dr Yasmin Husain - Safeguarding
Delegate from Webinar: Yassir is an excellent speaker and really helps overcome fear of the ECG. He makes things easier to understand. Please put on further talks by him.
Dr Yassir Javaid - Cardiology/ECG
Delegate from Blackpool: An engaging presentation that was highly relevant to clinical practice
Dr Nadi Gupta - GU Medicine
Delegate from Webinar: I really enjoyed this safeguarding training. SO much more interesting than doing on line training. She put her presentation very clearly and used good examples of practice which were relateable.
Dr Yasmin Husain - Safeguarding