I was always interested in women’s health as a medical student, I loved my obstetric attachment and started off pursuing a career in Obs and Gynae. I soon discovered that I needed uninterrupted sleep and so moved into GP training. I couldn’t shake off the interest in women’s health so in my spare time I did the FSRH diploma, learned to fit coils and implants, and passed the DRCOG.
Alongside working as a GP in Durham I developed a love of training and as well as studying for the Bradford Postgrad diploma in Women’s health became a FSRH trainer. This resulted in crossing paths with Dr Anne Connelly MBE and the rest is history. We set up the PCWHF/S as a way to keep networking with other GPs who had an extended role in women’s health and it snowballed.
I also set up my own business called Durham Gynae and through that deliver NHS commissioned clinics and training. I also learned the art of gynae ultrasound scanning and gained advanced menopause training.
I love great fiction and seeing the world.