Dr Devakumar is a Consultant Physician and Rheumatologist at the Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust since May 2009.
He looks after general medical inpatients, participating in the acute on call rota for The Royal Oldham Hospital where he is based and as a Rheumatologist working with Pennine MSK Partnership Ltd.
His role working with Pennine MSK partnership has centred on the provision of consultant rheumatology support and guidance in the development of a seamless interface between primary and secondary care. This has involved work with guidelines development, pathways of care and the structure of the future provision of rheumatology services for Oldham patients, delivering care almost entirely within a community setting.
He is Training Programme Director for General Internal Medicine for Health Education Northwest England and an advanced life support instructor and a course medical director.
He is a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and MRCP PACES clinical Examiner.
Dr Devakumar is a specialist advisor for the Parliamentary Health Services Ombudsman.
He spoken at numerous meetings, including various local and regional GP events, regional Rheumatology meetings, regional Royal College of Physicians medicine update and the National British Society of Rheumatology meeting.